What is E-Signature? Usage Areas of E-Signature in Turkey?

E-Signature (electronic signature) is a legal authentication system that can be used instead of signature in electronic environments.
E-Signature, which has the same legal characteristics as a wet signature, proves the accuracy of the identity information of the person in electronic transactions. E-Signature is used instead of wet signature in electronic environment.
Signing is done using certificates distributed by organizations authorized to issue e-Signature certificates.
E-Signature replaces wet signature. According to Electronic Signature Law No. 5070, e-Signature is the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature with the same legal validity.
How to use e-Signature?
Your electronic signature is sent to you on a smart card. In order to run e-Signature, you must first install the software on your card driver.You can find this software on CD or other media tools sent to you with e-Signature.Otherwise, you can find it on the website of the company you receive service from. After installing the software on your computer, you can log in to your certificate.
How to Get E-signature?
There is no obligation to introduce wet signatures to any authority before they are used.The person can use his/her signature, which is completely unique to himself/herself, in all transactions without any problem.However, e-signature must have some technical infrastructure requirements.Therefore, it can only be obtained by applying to the authorized institutions for this subject.This necessity inevitably raises the question of how to get an e-signature.
How to Apply for E-signature?
Electronic signature application is a process that can be done online. You can apply from the websites of private companies that offer this service, or you can do this through TUBITAK.
Required Documents for Corporate E-Signature
- Corporate e-signature is used in the transactions that the authorized person in this regard will make on behalf of that business. The documents required for this type of electronic signature application are as follows:
- Qualified Electronic Certificate undertaking and application form
- Photocopy of the circular of signature issued for the person to be authorized (Applicant institution may want to see the original of the circular during the submission of the documents. Therefore, having the original notarized circular of signature with you will facilitate the process)
- Activity certificate to be obtained from the Trade Registry Office where the business is registered (Must have been obtained within the last 6 months)
- The original of a photo document such as identity card, passport, driver’s license showing the TR Identity Number of the person making the application.
How to use electronic signature?
Before you can use this technology, some settings and setup processes must be done on your computer. The institution from which you purchased the e-signature gives you a device called a token, which is connected to the computer via the USB port. For electronic signature applications, the token must be inserted into the computer. But this is not enough for electronic signature use. At the same time, the question of how to use e-signatures inevitably arises.
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Area of e-signature usage ?
- In programs that are of great importance for e-commerce such as e-invoice, e-archive invoice
- In e-smm applications
- In electronic correspondence between institutions
- In cases where collective signature is required
- In signing electronic archives
- When communicating with dealers, in order processes
- In commercial registry transactions carried out through MERSIS, such as establishing a company
- Signing corporate personnel documents such as leave, performance, overtime, expense approval.
- At meetings where important decisions such as the general assembly, the board of shareholders or the management must be signed,
- ETBIS registration procedures
- In bank instructions
- In customs and foreign trade transactions
- In public projects such as Ministry of Industry, EKAP, UYAP
- In e-government transactions
- In the use of Registered Electronic Mail (KEP)Apart from these, signatures can also be used to carry out transactions that require a wet signature in a digital environment.