

    1. My partner (thai national) made application for 1st renewal for short term residence permit on 17/8/18 (all documents requested submitted).
      After the 90 days (stated max process time), we still have no answer. Called 157 several times, who told us to wait. Went 3 times to immigration office Fatih Istanbul, who each time tell us to wait for another 15 days. Emailed, got error message that inbox full, so no answer neither.
      Is there any way to escalate?
      Thanks for your advise.
      Kind regards

    2. hello
      i went ask about the “turquoise” card and residence, where i have phd certificate and i need to work and life in turkey, iam Jordanian

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        Turquoise card has not been released yet, neither the requirements to apply were explained by the authorities. We recommend you to follow in order to get updated whenever any details about Turquoise Card will be known. Requirements regarding rsidence permit application can vary according to the city and purpose of your stay. If you are considering settling down in Turkey, you are supposed to purchase a property in order to be able to obtain residence permit for property owners, which will be posible to extend repeatedly in the future. You can only work in Turkey if you have valid work permit. In order to obtain work permit, first you need to find a job in Turkey and your future employer must apply for your permit. Foreigners can not apply for work permit in their own name or without having a job in Turkey. Application for foreigner who has residence permit valid in total for at least 6 months can be done within Turkey. For foreigners who are not residence permit holders, application must be done via Turkish Consulate in their home country. Work permit application can not be submitted basing on visa.

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    3. HEY
      around 6 months ago I overstayed turkey for 60 days and I paid the fine at Ankara airport. they told me to come back in 4 months time and it should be fine.
      I am Iranian national I was wondering do I have to get a visa to enter turkey or not as Iranian people don’t need visa to enter turkey?
      kind regards

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        If you paid the fine and were not banned to re-enter Turkey, you can come back to Turkey and stay for another 90 days with no requirement of obtaining visa to re-enter the country.

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        1. well they only told me to come back after 4 months so I guess I was banned for 4 months.
          so wouldn’t have any problem to enter again? and do I have to have that paper that I paid my fine with me or they already have on their system?
          and another question I contacted the trukish consulate in London and they told me as I have over stayed I have to apply for a visa to enter turkey.

          1. Hello,

            We are not governmental website and we do not know your travel details, Turkish Consulate should be the most reliable source for you regarding legal matters and visas.

            Kind Regards,

    4. Bonjour ; je suis citoyen Marocain et je souhaite m installer en Turquie .
      Quelles sont les démarches a suivre et est ce que y a des procédures a faire dans mon pays ??
      Merci de votre réponse .

    5. Hello
      My parents are born in Turkey, the city of Izmir, but they are dead. Can I get long-term resident accommodation in Turkey?

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        Long term residence permit is only given to foreigners who are staying in Turkey uninterruptedly for at least 8 years. If your parents were Turkish citizens, it might ba an advantage for you while applying for short-term residence permit but it does not entitle you to apply for long-term residence permit before 8 years passes.

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      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        If you would like to settle down in Turkey, you should purchase a property in order to obtain residence permit which would be possible to be extended in the future. You can also consider Citizenship by Investment programme, which will enable you to acquire Turkish citizenship within short period of time in order to settle down and work in Turkey. Otherwise, if you find a job in Turkey, your future employer must apply for your work permit, on basis of which you can live and work in Turkey as a foreigner.

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    6. hello,i would like to take over my IKAMET please.meanwhile i am collecting all the necessary documents.please get in touch with me.thank you.

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        We do provide services regarding family residence permit and residence permit for property/company owners in Turkey. If you are applying for one of above, you can contact us and we will be glad to provide you with assistance on the application. We do not provide services regarding touristic residence permit.

        Kind Regards,

        1. hello,thank you for the reply.I am not applying for a family permit,and I am not a property owner.I am retiring here in Turkey,receiving my state pension.and I am coming from a EU country.

    7. Hi I am Turkish living in Gunesli

      My friend who is Russian want to apply for 1 year tourist visa to stay in Turkey

      What documents we need to bring you so you can apply for us


      1. Dear Necmettin,

        Unfortunately, we do not provide services regarding touristic residence permit anymore.

        Kind Regards,

    8. Hello,
      I am from Bangladesh, I want a work permit in Turkey. Do you provide work permit letter to Bangladesh citizen?

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        İn order to obtain work permit, first you need to find a job in Turkey and your future employer must apply for your work permit. Foreigners can not apply for work permit in their own name or without having a job in Turkey. Application for foreigner who has residence permit valid in total for at least 6 months can be done within Turkey. For foreigners who are not residence permit holders, application must be done via Turkish Consulate in their home country. Work permit application can not be submitted basing on visa.

        Kind Regards,

    9. i would like to know how to get a permit of work, im a tourist from dominican republic and i would like to settle in your country

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        İn order to obtain work permit, first you need to find a job in Turkey and your future employer must apply for your work permit. Foreigners can not apply for work permit in their own name or without having a job in Turkey. Application for foreigner who has residence permit valid in total for at least 6 months can be done within Turkey. For foreigners who are not residence permit holders, application must be done via Turkish Consulate in their home country. Work permit application can not be submitted basing on visa.

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    10. Hey sir, I am Norwegian citizen I am likely want etablash resident in Turkey, and wanat to apply residence permit. May i need to come in Turkey to applay or I can apply trought online. How can i get insurance number?

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        You must to be already in Turkey in order to apply for residence permit. Application submitted from abroad would not be accepted. After arrival to Turkey you can purchase private health insurance for foreigners and our company can provide you with this type of policy. After obtaining residence permit you can also benefit from public health insurance services in Turkey.

        Kind Regards,

    11. Hi There ,
      I am glad to receive your reply in response to my query a week ago.
      But i would like to ask you one more question . Is it possible to convert my Tourist Visa to work permit while I am in Turkey ?
      I only have 20 days visa . Further more , I s there any other way/ option to Get TRC of Turkey without purchasing property in Turkey ?
      Thanking you in advance .

    12. Hello. I started working in a school, and I’m waiting for my working visa. I just gave my university degree, passport and certificate. They said they will translate it and send it to the Ministry of Education to check it first. However, still waiting. My question is: Will they first apply for residence permit for 6 months (with the help of the school) and then apply for work permit? I know I need to have a residence permit before getting work permit.

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        Receiving approval from Ministry of Education is usually a long procedure and can last up to 2-3 months. You are not supposed to work in Turkey until you receive your work permit card. After your documents will be approved by the Ministry, your employer can apply for work permit within Turkey if you have residence permit valid for at least 6 months. Residence permit application lasts up to 3-4 months and there is no guarantee that the document would be granted. Otherwise work permit application can be also done via Turkish Consulate in your home country while you would be there. Application would take around 1 month and when it will be approved, you will receive work visa to come back to Turkey and start working.

        Best Regards,

    13. Hi There,
      I am Atif , 45 from Pakistan. I will be travelling to Turkey in First week of October 2018. I want to know the procedure to apply TRC of Turkey. i will be given 21 days of entry to turkey. Please let me know how would you be able to help me? What are the documents you need from me ?
      I understand your fee is 900 TL , which is ok with me. I am Willing to pay that fee .
      i would appreciate if you can attend my call tomorrow on 18-09-2018 during your working hours.
      thanks alot .
      Atif .

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        Because of changes in the application procedures, you should purchase a property in Turkey in order to obtain residence permit for you and your family. This kind of residence permit is also possible to be extended and we provide services regarding this kind of application. You should have non criminal record and original bank statements from your home country to apply for residence permit.

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      2. Hi There ,
        I am glad to receive your reply in response to my query a week ago.
        But i would like to ask you one more question . Is it possible to convert my Tourist Visa to work permit while I am in Turkey ?
        I only have 20 days visa . Further more , I s there any other way/ option to Get TRC of Turkey without purchasing property in Turkey ?
        Thanking you in advance .

        1. Hello,

          Work permit application can not be submitted basing on touristic visa. Touristic residence permit application is possible in cities other than Istanbul but there is no guarantee about the result of the application. We do not provide services regarding touristic residence permit application.

          Kind Regards,

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    14. Hi my name is Shabir roshan I have purchased an apartment in istanbul I applied for me and my family’s resident permit and they issued us 2 years permit. Now I want to renew our resident permit and transfer it to family resident permit. My business is in Afghanistan and I purchase wholesale clothes from İstanbul and I export them to Afghanistan which is around 20000$ monthly. I have the receipts from different companies I purchase from. My question is am I entitled to a family resident permit or not? Thanks

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        As a foreigner you can only apply for family residence permit after you stay in Turkey with work permit for at least a year. Otherwise all members of your family must apply independently. But as you are a property owner there should be no problem to extend your permits.

        Best Regards,

    15. I will retire early (44 years old) and considering buying an apartment in Istambul, but I would like to rent for 1 or 2 years before purchasing so I can scout the areas and choose the one that I like the most. Can I get a residence easily? Can I rent without residence? Should I get a visa?

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        Resident permit is mostly not being granted in İstanbul basing on rental contract anymore. After you purchase a property, you can easily obtain residence permit which will be also possible to be extended in the future. You can rent an appartment without having residence permit but most probably residence permit would not be granted as long as you are not property owner in Turkey.

        Best Regards,

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    16. Hi, I am 71 years old and my wife 65 years old, both retired, want to buy an apartment in Kusadasi, then apply for a Turkish residence card.
      knowing that the application for residence card requires health insurance, how should I do, the insurer does not sell insurance beyond 65 years. ?
      second question: for 65 years old, the amount of 685 TL is the price of one month of insurance or the price of one year of insurance? Thank you.

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        For foreigners who are over 65 years old health insurance is not required for residence permit application. Some of the companies do not provide this kind of insurance as it is optional. We do not know which company’s offer you mentioned but 685 TL should be price for one year policy. We can provide you with health insurance policy for foreigners over 65 years old. For details contact us at:

        Kind Regards,

    17. Hello,

      thank you very much for your reply.

      As I understood, all these changes are relevant only to Istanbul. So it means that in other cities the conditions for applying are the same as they were before?

      Thank you!

    18. Hello,

      I came to Turkey two months ago for the purpose to study Turkish. When my 90 days are over, October, I will apply for the short-term residence permit for foreigners who came to Turkey to attend Turkish language course.

      I have heard that conditions for another kind of short-term permit – residence permit for tourist purposes – changed and a lot of applicants got rejected.

      I would like to ask you if these changes are relevant only to the tourist residence permit, or if other kinds of residence permits, such as the one for Turkish language course, changed as well.

      Thank you!

      1. Dear Zuzana,
        Thank you for your comment.

        Changes applies to residence permit for language course purposes in the same way as to touristic one. Even if you can present all of the required documents, there is no guarantee that the permit would be granted.

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    19. Hi,
      Thank you very much for your quick and informative reply.
      I would like to ask you about the steps that I have to follow, to get student permit, ( by enrolling in a language course).
      Also, I would like to inquire about providing this service by your corporation.
      Do you provide this service? And how much it will cost?
      Looking forward to hear from you soon.

      1. Hello,

        Application process for short term residence permit for language course purposes are the same as for touristic purposes. The only difference is that you need to present document from language school as a proof of your reason to stay in Turkey. We do not provide services regarding this kind of application.

        Kind Regards,

    20. Hi,
      I would like to ask about the possibility to change the reason of my staying in Turkey.
      The thing is, that I have a short term residence permit (for three months), which will expire next October.
      I am planning to get a Turkish language course for 1 year.
      Is it possible to get a student residence permit while I am here in Turkey? Or I have to leave Turkey and apply for a student visa and come back.
      Looking forward to hear from you soon.

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        You can apply for residence permit for language course purposes without leaving Turkey but there is no guarantee that the permit would be granted. Student residence permit is given to university or hisghschool students but not always to foreigners attending language courses.

        Kind Regards,

      2. Hi,
        Thank you very much for your quick and informative reply.
        I would like to ask you about the steps that I have to follow, to get student permit, ( by enrolling in a language course).
        Also, I would like to inquire about providing this service by your corporation.
        Do you provide this service? And how much it will cost?
        Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    21. Hey my name is Ahmed and I am planning to move to Turkey with my family. The route that I am going to employ is the one that involves buying a property in Turkey and then applying for short term residence permit. I have some questions related to that process:

      Q1: After buying a property in Turkey, will my whole family (wife and kids) be eligible to apply for short term residence permit or will it be just me?
      Q2: After getting a residence permit, how do families sustain in Turkey? Do they get jobs and get work permits? If they do then what are the possible job opportunities for people who are educated in Pakistan and how difficult is it for them to acquire work permits?
      Q3: Is medical and education free for people with residence permits in Turkey?
      Q4: Lastly, after getting a residence permit and possibly a work permit too, what is the path to Turkish Citizenship.

      I hope all my queries are sufficiently clear to you. Looking forward to your cooperation.

      Thank you.

    22. I am living in Istanbul, and would like to open a small Turkish and English language course. Could you please help me and describe the steps on obtaining the license.


      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        İn order to do the activity as a shareholder or the owner of the company, foreigner should get a work permit first. The work permit could be gotten only if company’s criterias will be compatible with the Ministry of Labour’s requirements, which are:
        • Pre-paid capital of company is 100.000 TL
        • For getting work permit for 1 foreigner company should employ 5 turkish employees

        Only if you can fulfill the requirements above you can start your own business in Turkey.

        Kind Regrads,

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    23. I plan to retire from my job in the United States and move to Turkey with my wife and disabled adult son (41 years old) who suffers from mental illness(Schizophrenia) . Will there be a problem to obtain residence permit for my family (all 3 of us) in Turkey?.

      Can I apply for a family residence permit or must we apply separately?.

      Thank you.

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        İf you purchase a property in Turkey, all 3 of you can easily obtain residence permit. You should apply separately as long as you have not been employed in Turkey for at least 1 year.

        Kind Regards,

        1. Thank you greatly for your reply.

          Two more questions;

          Will there be a problem to apply for our adult son who is mentally disabled? Also, can we all have free medical coverage?. I have read on Expat Forums that people over 65 years old are offered free medical insurance or are exempt from the requirement of medical insurance.

    24. Dear Team, I am from Poland and i am an consultant for job and residency specially for the Asian peoples. I have been looking for few candidates in Turkey & found, they are working in work permit and have valid visa but they don’t have residence permit. I talked with them to apply for residence permit but they told me that their passport and residence card are taken by Employer and never given to them. They show me they have just a photocopies which they are carrying. If companies are not providing residence card how they can get isn’t it illegal ? Looking for you expert advise.

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        İf foreigners are holders of work permit, they can not apply for residence permit in the same time. But if they are already holders of residence or work permit, those documents are their ID cards in Turkey and belong only to a foreigner. Employer have no right to keep foreigner’s ID card withouth the permition of document’s owner.

        Kind Regards,

    25. Hello, my name is Victor Ehinmowo, Supwork CEO

      Supwork is a mobile app for on-demand services, and we are looking to expand operations to turkey, my co-founders and i are currently in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and we are about to close a round of investment, but not with a turkish or cypriot body. My questions are these

      1. can we open a corporate bank account and deposit the invested funds directly to the opened bank account
      2. Does this make us eligible for permanent residence permits as investors on the land even though we are not necessarily planning on opening a branch
      3. We are incorporated in the Uk, do we need to open a branch in Turkey to be eligible for the permits
      4. Do we need a turkish representative.
      5. When beginning the whole process, can you handle all the affairs on our behalf and what will be the costs

      1. Dear Victor,
        Thank you for your comment.

        You can not open a bank account in Turkey in the name of foreign company unless you open a branch in Turkey. Permanent residence permit is given to those who stay in Turkey for 8 years uninterruptadely. İf you make an investment in a company or property, you are eligible to obtain residence permit which can be extneded. İf you are considering applying for residence permit basing on your company documents, you must open a branch in Turkey. Having a Turkish representative is not required but for sure is helpful regarding formalities. We provide services regarding establishment of the company in Turkey and opening a branch of foreign companies. We can assist you throughout all of the procedures and get all of the formalities done within one week. Costs of our services deppends on the exact profile of the company.

        Best Regards,

    26. Hi,
      I am both an Iranian and Australian passport holder, obviously I have citizenship of both countries. I entered Turkey on a tourist on arrival visa from Iran, for 90 days, I want to live in Turkey and work in Turkey legally, due to my circumstances it is really hard for me to travel out of Turkey again to apply for work permit etc if that is required. Is there any way or known cases of employers applying and gaining a work permit for their employees without needing them to go back outside Turkey? Can I apply for residency and then gain a work permit? Or what is the best route to apply for residency or work permit in my situation? Any other advice that would help me? I am an English Teacher/ Filmmaker and have a Masters from Sydney University. Truly any help would be most kindly appreciated.

      1. Dear Reza,
        Thank you for your comment.

        Your employer can not apply for your work permit within Turkey basing on touristic visa. To submit the application you would need to obtain residence permit valid for at least 6 months. Otherwise work permit application is only possible if you go to your homecountry and employer applies via Turkish Consulate there. İf you are considering settling down in Turkey, the best solution for you to obtain residence permit is investment in a property, which guarantee you that residence permit would be granted and can be extended in the future.

        Best Regards

    27. I am writing you to get guidance on a few steps. I am from Pakistan and have got admission in Masters in METU.

      I am applying for student visa but facing difficulty. While filling the form, they are asking for duration of stay (in days). My course would be of 2 years. Considering it, what should I mention in form? It is accepting only 2 digit number.

      Apart from that, as I will be staying in hostel of METU (as per university policy, I have to submit tuition fee and hostel fee once I reach Turkey). Now my concern is that do I have to separately apply for residence permit in hostel? If yes, how?

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        You need to apply for residence permit after arrival to Turkey, application submitted from abroad would not be accepted. İf you need help with filling application form, you can contact us or visit one of our offices in Ankara or İstanbul, where you can receive all necessary guidance for application. Our consultacny and application fee regarding student residence permit is 450 TL.

        Best Regards,

    28. Hi

      I am from India and I been to turkey last year October 2017 and I have applied short term residence permit Id card for one year finishing on October end 2018 now I am planning to go turkey and extend my short term residence. Permit is it.possible?

      Because I heard if.I didn’t stay for.long in Turkey certain period with that short term . residence. Permit.will be cancelled?

      Please let me.know.



      1. Dear Raja,
        Thank you for your comment.

        You can spend abroad as much time as you want within your residence permit validity period and it would not be cancelled. İf your residence permit type is extandable, you can come back to Turkey and apply for extension within 2 months before the expiration date.

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    29. Dear sir.i want to come turkey and start business.can you please tell me which small business is good for me.and cost of reseidence visa.

      1. Hello,
        Thank you for your comment.

        To start a business in Turkey as a foreigner you need to establish a company with the capital of minimum 10.000 TL, which enables you to do general trade only. To do business activity as an owner or a shareholder in Turkey, you need to obtain work permit. You can only obtain work permit in the name of your own company if the paid capital is at least 100.000 TL and there is 5 Turkish citizens employed per each foreigner in the company, including yourself. Costs of residence permit depends on kind of permit and your nationality.

        Kind Regards,

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